You can now find my book MY FRIEND FROM OUTER SPACE at my ETSY SITE along with giclee prints of my cut-paper illustrations from some of my other books.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
MY FRIEND FROM OUTER SPACE Now Available at my Etsy Site
You can now find my book MY FRIEND FROM OUTER SPACE at my ETSY SITE along with giclee prints of my cut-paper illustrations from some of my other books.
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
A SEA TURTLE'S JOURNEY in the August Issue of BLAST OFF (The School Magazine, Australia)
I am pleased to have my article A Sea Turtle's Journey republished in the August issue of BLAST OFF, one of the school magazines of the New South Wales Department of Education in Australia. This is the same article that was published in May 2019 in BLAST OFF. I am happy that it is available again for a new audience. The School Magazine is Australia’s most loved and longest running literary publication for children. BLAST OFF is intended for children ages 9-10.
Sea turtles live in tropical oceans all over the world. My article focuses on green sea turtles that live along the coasts of northern Australia. They migrate between their nesting beaches and their feeding grounds along the Australian coast and nearby islands.
Some turtles swim more than two thousand kilometers each way! (Green sea turtles can also be seen elsewhere in the Pacific, including on the beaches of Hawaii.)
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
A DINOSAUR IN THE LIBRARY! Art and Writing Projects Make Books Come Alive
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Papier Mache Stegosaurus model in school library. |
In the good old days of my author visits to schools (the 1990s), everyone had read at least one of my books before my visit, and every classroom had done some kind of project inspired by a book. By the day of my visit the excitement was palpable and the hallways, auditorium, and library were filled with student projects—ranging from poems, songs and stories, to paintings, drawings and scale models. I always brought my camera. Recently, while cleaning out I found some of those photos.
Dinosaurs are always a favorite with kids and my
book DINOSAURS ALL AROUND (Clarion, 1992) inspired many projects. One of my
favorites was the papier mache
stegosaurus mounted in the school library. While not as large as a real
stegosaurus, it certainly brought a Jurassic atmosphere to the library and for
the students, helped bring the content of the book to life. Just ike Steven
Czerkas, the dinosaur artist portrayed in the book, they had created a
dinosaur model.
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Dinosaurs All Around (Clarion, paperback 1997; hardback 1993.) Out of
Print. Available digitally at Amazon.
Stephen Czerkas's dinosaur
models, ranging from the largest carnivores to hatching babies, are widely
exhibited in museums. This book is based on a traveling exhibit, "Dinosaurs:
A Global View," organized by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
County and a visit to the artist's studio.
Note: Many schools still do wonderful projects as preparation for my author visits and I am always impressed by the creativity of teachers and students. But there seems to be less time now in the school day for extra projects than there once was, and I don't see as many as I used to.
You can find both the Kindle version and the paperback version of MY FRIEND FROM OUTER SPACE on Goodreads. I'd love it if you'd write a review! (You can also write a review on Amazon.)
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
BOOK PARTY: Celebrating the Publication of MY FRIEND FROM OUTER SPACE
On Sunday, August 6th, my granddaughter Paige and I were joined by friends and family to celebrate the publication of our book M Y FRIEND FROM OUTER SPACE, an update of the story I first published in 1981, now with wonderful new illustrations by Paige.
We did a short presentation and reading of the book followed by the cutting of the celebratory cake—and enjoyed lots of other delicious goodies as well. The party was held at Art’s and my house in Oakland. (Paige and her parents live just a short distance away.) We thank everyone who was able to come!
The book is available on Amazon as both a paperback and Kindle ebook.
Read more about the book at my website.
Monday, August 7, 2023
Today is National Lighthouse Day! Celebrate by reading my book KEEPER OFTHE LIGHT: Juliet Fish Nichols Fights the San Francisco Fog.
On National Lighthouse Day, August 7, we celebrate how these scenic, historic structures comforted travelers throughout the centuries. In 1789, the U.S. Congress passed an act securing the protection of all lighthouses under federal support.
If you ever visit a lighthouse, you’ll understand the serenity and stability they represent to viewers on land. While lighthouse technology has evolved over time, lighthouses were once widely used to mark dangerous reefs, shorelines or harbors. Today, we imagine how a lighthouse’s beacon of light offered hope to those seeking land in the midst of stormy seas and dark nights. (Lighthouse Museum, Staten Island, NY)
Illustration by Rachell Sumpter for KEEPER OF THE LIGHT of Juliet Nichols striking the fog bell.
Saturday, August 5, 2023
REVIEW OF MY FRIEND FROM OUTER SPACE "Great book for young readers!"
With many thanks to Susan Meyers for her enthusiastic review of MY FRIEND FROM OUTER SPACE on Amazon!
5 Stars Great Book for Young Readers!
This is such a fun book! It perfectly captures that willing suspension of disbelief that kids are so good at, even if they start out as skeptics. Sherry, the heroine who declares she comes from outer space, confidently deals with all her friend’s doubts and convinces him to join her in her rocket ship, which looks surprisingly like a large cardboard box stored in her garage. They blast off for a harrowing trip through outer space to Sherry’s planet and back again. Her friend, a bit shaken by the experience, declares himself a believer. Is he? Maybe. But I have the feeling he’s not going to try it again. The illustrations are perfect for the story. Bright and colorful, partially laid out in comic book style, they keep the story moving in an exciting way. Never a dull moment in this book for young readers.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
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Published in 1981 by Franklin Watts. OP. |
My Friend From Outer Space (Franklin Watts, 1981) was my first published fiction book. It is illustrated by Carol Nicklaus. I got the idea for the story by listening to my own children and their friends play games in which they pretended that they were aliens. The trick, of course, was providing proof, and in my story I decided that the two girls would take a trip to outer space in a cardboard-box rocket ship.
After My Friend from Outer Space was published I took it to my author visits at schools and read it aloud to the
children. Their favorite part
was always the page where Sherry looks like an otherworldly monster. When I
asked the audience at the end of the story if they thought the girls really
went to outer space, a few hands always went up. When I asked who liked to pretend sometimes,
all the hands were raised. I then made the point that pretend games can be a good way to get an idea for a story!
Note: The new 2023 edition of My Friend From Outer Space is the same story, but revised for a graphic picture book format. It is re-illustrated by Paige Arnold.