Wednesday, January 26, 2022


The first review is in for my book PLANTING A GARDEN IN ROOM 6 and it's a good one! It's from School Library Journal. I am so pleased! With many thanks to my wonderful editor, Alyssa Pusey, and to Cathleen Schaad for the terrific design of the book.

Arnold, Caroline. Planting a Garden in Rom 6: From Seeds to Salad. photos by Caroline Arnold. 40p. (Life Cycles in Room 6). Charlesbridge. Mar. 2022. Tr $16.99.

ISBN 9781623542405.

PreS-Gr 3–In a relatable tale that combines process and joy, the children of Mrs. Best’s real-life kindergarten class are growing a garden! Arnold has photographed and told their story from beginning seeds to finished salad. The children are taught how to prepare the soil, how to plant the seeds, and how to water and nurture the seedlings. They are taught to keep the strong seedlings and to either compost or feed to the chickens the weaker ones. Mrs. Best explains how ladybugs help keep damaging bugs under control. The children learn what plants need support and to be patient and give everything time to grow. After three months, they are ready to harvest and make a salad for all to enjoy. In the back of the book, readers will find a listing of what parts of plants are edible, what garden tools to use, and common gardening questions. There is a very effective garden vocabulary page, as well as a list of online sources and books for further information.  

VERDICT With photography to illustrate each step, this is a delightful and informative book.


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Miniature Model Garden: Perfect Companion for my new book PLANTING A GARDEN IN ROOM 6

Depiction of Farmer McGregor's garden in the Tale of Peter Rabbit

A miniature garden featuring a scene from the Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter is a treasured gift from my daughter Jennifer.  She made the ground and garden plants from art clay, baking it to make it hard. The fence is made of craft sticks. The figures of Peter and his family—Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail—and of Farmer McGregor were purchased on the internet, as were the tiny garden tools.

The miniature garden is a delightful reminder of my real garden outdoors and working with Mrs. Best and her students on my new book PLANTING A GARDEN IN ROOM 6: From Seeds to Salad. The book will be published in two months, on March 15. I look forward to sharing my miniature Peter Rabbit’s garden with students and teachers as I promote the book after it is published.

Jennifer was inspired to make the miniature garden after our visit to the Flowering Bridge in Lake Lure, North Carolina, last summer, where we saw tiny figures nestled among the plants. See my blog post from September 8,  2021.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

REMEMBERING FLOYD COOPER, JR, 1956-2021, Author/Illustrator

Author/Illustrator Floyd Cooper, Jr.

Floyd Cooper, Jr., 1956-2021, whose paintings and stories transformed people's lives, was remembered by family, friends, editors, librarians, fellow authors, and others that knew him in a virtual celebration of his life and legacy on Friday, January 7. Although I had never personally met Floyd Cooper, I had heard him speak at a children's book festival and was impressed by his art and ability to connect with children through his stories. As one speaker said of him: he encouraged young children to become change agents.
The memorial program, sponsored by the Highlights Foundation in partnership with The Brown Bookshelf, included video and audio clips of Floyd and his work, special guest tributes, and celebrations of his art and legacy.  
Floyd was the award-winning illustrator and author/illustrator of nearly 100 books for children.  His real and beautiful depiction of the Black experience, his signature “subtractive process,” and his genuine spirit of kindness and mentorship will forever be an important part of the children’s publishing industry. He will be sorely missed.
Click HERE to see the VIDEO of the memorial program and learn more about Floyd Cooper's legacy.